Home » How Good Are Avocados for You?

How Good Are Avocados for You?

by Michael Greger M.D. FACLM

The nutritional benefits of guacamole extend beyond the nutrients in avocados.

Avocados have been described as a “major dietary source of antioxidants.” While this may be true compared to many of the foods people usually eat, they aren’t necessarily anything to write home about when compared to other common fruits, as you can see at 0:16 in my video Flashback Friday: Are Avocados Good for You?.

Avocados do, however, contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoid eye nutrients found in dark green leafy vegetables. This may explain why Mexican Americans, who are “among the highest consumers of avocados in the United States,” tend to beat out other ethnicities in their intake of the two nutrients. The critical carotenoids are concentrated in the “dark green flesh close to the peel.” Because of this, consumers should be advised to use the “nick and peel” method “to obtain the nutrient-rich outer section of the avocado.”

Keep reading this article on NutritionFacts.org.

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