Home » My Best Summer Saving Tips

My Best Summer Saving Tips

by Kath Younger

Stressed about summer spending? I’m sharing my tried-and-true summer saving tips to help prevent your finances from dwindling.

As we prepared for our home renovation, the theme of this year (and really most of last year) was “try not to spend unnecessary dollars.” While we haven’t wanted or needed to zap our lifestyle to zero, the goal was to maximize dollars toward the reno, a buffer budget in case we went over, and a few things we will need to buy at the end (electric blinds are $$!).

Have we still travelled? YES. Thanks to the wonderful world of travel rewards. And of course I deem the occasional date night or concert necessary for mental health / marriage-building reasons.

Here are some of my summer saving tips followed by ways we have cut back on costs during our reno.

Keep reading this article on Kath Eats Real Food.

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