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How To Stay Full Longer

by Kath Younger

Curious how to stay full longer? Incorporate these practical tips into your routine and manage cravings while focusing on mindful eating. 

At the beginning of my own health journey, I was very curious about how I could stay full longer. As soon as I started to eat what I thought were health foods, I was hungry all of the time.

Turns out, the low-fat diet foods of the 90s and early 2000s were the worst choices for keeping a person full for hours. 100 calorie packs void of protein, fat, and fiber are the last type of snack one should eat to nourish the body.

I learned what was satisfying (foods containing whole grains, fat, fiber, protein) and what left me hungrier than before I’d even had the snack!

Whether or not you’re in a place where you want to lose weight right now, there are infinite health benefits to eating foods that are nutritious and calorie-dense and that help increase satiety.

Keep reading this article on Kath Eats Real Food.

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