Home » This Weight-Loss Fad May Increase Pain and Inflammation

This Weight-Loss Fad May Increase Pain and Inflammation

by Kiersten Hickman

It can be tempting to look for those diets that provide clear guiderails to achieve weight loss. Cut out things like fruit and wheat and pile high on proteins? Many people find approaches like this can work—but some doctors suggest they can lead to other health issues. As a liver doctor recently told us: “[…Y]ou never want to try to choose a healthy choice for one [goal] and increase the risk of another problem, like cardiovascular disease.”

So just because a popular weight-loss tactic promises speedy weight loss doesn’t mean it’s healthy. In fact, if you’re trying to lose weight just to feel better all around, one fall 2022 study has shown one particular fad diet can actually increase the degree of pain you feel.

Keep reading this article on The Healthy.

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