Home » Here’s How Much Exercise You Need to Counteract Sitting All Day, Says Study

Here’s How Much Exercise You Need to Counteract Sitting All Day, Says Study

by Kiersten Hickman

Have to sit on your tush all day? If you find that your life is more sedentary than you might like, don’t fret—just sweat! Recent research has been showing that specific periods of exercise can help to reverse a day of sitting—and no, it doesn’t require you to be in the gym for hours at a time.

The Washington Post covered a recent study that demonstrated how much exercise can possibly counteract a day of sitting. The study followed astronauts from the International Space Station, as well as 34 participants in Houston who volunteered for 70 days to be bed-bound in “head-down tilt bed rest,” which the Washington Post explains “is science’s best simulation of space travel.”

While being weightless in space can make it difficult to maintain bone density and muscle mass, the researchers discovered that exercise can deflect the effects of sitting for hours.

Keep reading this article on The Healthy.

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