Home » Eating This Every Day May Help Fight Dementia, Says New Study

Eating This Every Day May Help Fight Dementia, Says New Study

by Kiersten Hickman

While dementia and cognitive decline can happen because of a variety of factors, such as genetics, there’s a lot of research that indicates particular daily habits have a major impact on your brain health. Exercise—even as simple as going for a walk—can make a big difference, as well as mental stimulation and, of course, eating a healthy diet. Plus, thanks to recent research, a particular set of foods has been linked with fighting dementia and cognitive decline.

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The research, published in November 2022 in the peer-reviewed journal Neurology, found that those who eat a diet high in flavanols can slow down the rate of cognitive decline. To make this conclusion, researchers divided 961 adults with an average age of 81 into five groups, based on their flavanols intake.

Keep reading this article on The Healthy.

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