Home » The Health Risk ‘Night Owls’ Should Think About Before the Clock Strikes 12

The Health Risk ‘Night Owls’ Should Think About Before the Clock Strikes 12

by body+soul

New research has found that people who stay up late, known as ‘night owls’ may be at higher risk of chronic diseases.

Calling all night owls (and of course smug early birds), a new study has been released showing that those up with the wolves might be doing their health a disservice.

Published in the journal of Experimental Physiology, the research found that people who like to stay up late, and subsequently wake up late, were at higher risk of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

People staying up late also were less likely to burn fat for energy and thus tended to build up excess fat more quickly than those who were getting an early bedtime.

Keep reading this article on body+soul.

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